Understanding Decimal Precision Issues in PostgreSQL with ActiveRecord

When dealing with financial data or any numeric values requiring precise calculations, developers often encounter challenges related to decimal precision. PostgreSQL, a powerful relational database management system, stores decimal data with high precision. However, when used in conjunction with ActiveRecord in Ruby on Rails applications, discrepancies in precision handling can arise, leading to unexpected behavior. In this article, we'll explore the issues surrounding decimal precision in PostgreSQL, illustrate the problems they cause, and present solutions to mitigate these issues effectively.

Understanding Decimal Precision Issues in PostgreSQL with ActiveRecord
April 26, 2024

The Problem with PostgreSQL Decimal Precision

PostgreSQL supports the `decimal` data type for precise numeric storage. This data type allows users to specify both the precision (total number of digits) and scale (number of digits to the right of the decimal point). However, when interacting with PostgreSQL through ActiveRecord, developers may notice unexpected behavior due to differences in how decimal values are handled.

Example of Precision Loss

Consider the following scenario:

# Migration file
create_table :transactions do |t|
  t.decimal :amount, precision: 10, scale: 2

# Model class
class Transaction < ApplicationRecord

# Creating a new transaction
Transaction.create(amount: 10.555)

In this example, we're creating a `transactions` table with an `amount` column defined as a decimal with a precision of 10 and a scale of 2. However, when we attempt to save a transaction with an amount of `10.555`, ActiveRecord will truncate the value to `10.55` before storing it in the database.

Why Precision Loss is Problematic

Precision loss can lead to inaccurate financial calculations, potentially causing discrepancies in balance sheets, transaction totals, and other critical metrics. Furthermore, rounding errors can compound over time, resulting in significant discrepancies in financial reporting. For applications handling sensitive financial data, such inaccuracies are unacceptable and can undermine trust and reliability.

Solutions to Precision Issues

To address precision issues in PostgreSQL with ActiveRecord, developers can consider the following solutions:

Solution 1: Adjust PostgreSQL Column Scale

# Migration file
change_column :transactions, :amount, :decimal, precision: 15, scale: 5

By increasing the scale of the `amount` column, more decimal places can be stored, mitigating precision loss for values with fractional components.

Solution 2: Handle Precision in Application Logic

# Model class
class Transaction < ApplicationRecord
  before_save :adjust_amount_precision


  def adjust_amount_precision
    self.amount = amount.ceil(2)

In this solution, we use `ceil(2)` to round the `amount` attribute up to two decimal places before saving it to the database. By rounding up, we ensure that precision is maintained and that any fractional components are accounted for.


Decimal precision issues in PostgreSQL with ActiveRecord can pose significant challenges for developers working with financial data or other numeric values requiring precise calculations. By understanding the limitations of PostgreSQL's decimal data type and adopting appropriate strategies for handling precision, developers can ensure accurate and reliable data storage and calculations in their Ruby on Rails applications. Whether through adjusting PostgreSQL column scale, handling precision in application logic, or a combination of both, addressing precision issues is essential for maintaining data integrity and trustworthiness in financial applications and beyond.